In 2013 FAPE, the Federación de Asociaciones de Periodistas de España - the Spanish Journalists’ Association, handed down a judgment against “The Olive Press” and Jon Clarke for having published a long article entitled “Maddie? Yes, but not the one we were looking for...” and found it infringed Articles 4 and 13 of the FAPE Ethical Code for not having respected the right to personal and family privacy of M.A., a minor, and of her parents, Mr. L. A. and Mrs. R. E., and also did not bother to check the sources of the information.
FAPE Judgment against Olive Press 2013/82
The judgment continues [my translation]. “In the reasoning of this resolution it states that the journalist has acted with remarkable flippancy and published a scandalous story based on very flimsy material. The information published in "The Olive Press" is an example of irresponsible sensationalism to attract the attention of the prospective reader. Its content is pure charlatanry, "gossip" in the language in which it has been written and in journalistic language “amarillismo", [sensationalist journalism] always reprehensible but much more when an innocent subject of the information can be endangered”
amarillismo translates as Yellow Journalism
FAPE Resolucion 2013/82
La información publicada en “The Olive Press” es un ejemplo de sensacionalismo
irresponsable para atraer la atención del eventual lector. Su contenido es
charlatanería en estado puro, “gossip” en el idioma en el cual se ha escrito y en el
lenguaje periodístico “amarillismo “, siempre reprochable pero mucho más cuando se
puede poner en peligro al sujeto pasivo de la información que irrumpe
inesperadamente en el ámbito de la intimidad de la menor, una niña de ocho años,
sacándola a la luz pública con perjuicio de su estabilidad emocional e incluso con
riesgo para su integridad personal.
[my translation]. “In the reasoning of this resolution it states that the journalist has acted with remarkable flippancy and published a scandalous story based on very flimsy material. The information published in "The Olive Press" is an example of irresponsible sensationalism to attract the attention of the prospective reader. Its content is pure charlatanry, "gossip" in the language in which it has been written and in journalistic language “amarillismo", [sensationalist journalism] always reprehensible but much more when an innocent subject of the information can be endangered”
Teniendo en consideración los anteriores razonamientos de la ponencia, esta
Comisión de Arbitraje, Quejas y Deontología del periodismo ACUERDA que don Jon
Clarke, editor de “The Olive Press” y doña Wendy Williams, autora del reportaje
“Maddie? Yes … but not the right one” han infringido los arts. 4º y 13 del Código
Deontológico FAPE por no haber respetado el derecho a la intimidad personal y
familiar de Madeleine A., menor de edad, y de sus padres, el señor L. A. y la señora
R. E., ni haber cuidado de contrastar las fuentes de la información, no dándoles
además la oportunidad de ofrecer su propia versión sobre los hechos.
Madrid, 6 de noviembre de 2013
[my translation]. In 2013 FAPE, the Federación de Associationes de Periodistas de España - the Spanish Journalists’ Association, – “is agreed that Mr Jon Clarke, editor of “The Olive Press” and Wendy Williams, the author of the report, “Maddie? Yes, but not the one we were looking for . . .” infringed Articles 4 and 13 of the FAPE Ethical Code for not having respected the right to personal and family privacy of M.A., a minor, and of her parents, Mr. L. A. and Mrs. R. E., and also neither bothered to check the sources of the information, nor gave them the opportunity to offer their own version of events.”
Madrid, 6 November 2013
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